March 4, 2011 was a big day for us. Not only did we return to Nashville for a visit for the first time since we got married, we met the newest member of the Mobile Gooch family:-) I was nervous. I prepared photos of our home and where 'he' might live. I changed my clothes, put on make-up and rehearsed what I might say to these people to make them understand that we were 'good enough'.
March 7, 2011 was an even bigger day. I have never been a parent but on this day I was given a peak into what a parent might feel on that ride home from the hospital.... or in my family's case the airport ;-D The responsibility, the intense desire to protect, and the excitement!
We have wanted to have one of these made since we arrived in Mobile in January. We decided to attempt maturity and wait until we have a 'job' and the Spring semester calms down....Then we decided that when we did have one of these tags made it should be for a pup that didn't have as much of a chance as the rest of the 'cute' ones with puppy breath and no sense of potty training!!! We needed a pup that needed us. One who understood that while this life is quite the party, there is work to be done too!! Our jobs are to work and go to school/clinic, while his job was to help relieve the pressures of the day with afternoon jogs and romps in the backyard, maybe a visit to the senior home around the corner and 'kisses' for all neighbors and munchkins on the street! After weeks of searching for the "perfect pup" we met Cooper on our last trip back home to Tennessee. Thanks to Diana, Greg and the rest of the fantastic volunteers at SPA in Gallatin, Cooper got to come home with Ben and I to live by the bay:-)
Ladies and Gentlemen without further adieu we introduce you to "Cooper Wrigley Gooch"
His FAVORITE thing to do is PLAY!!! He likes to play ball...Once....(We still haven't quite got the whole concept of bring the ball!)
He LOVES to play Tug-O-War!!! And buddy is he strong!
He can sit, stay, and lay down. He gets along with other dogs.
He is kid trained, house trained, kennel trained, and furniture trained....
About that furniture trained thing......
It seems that he has an affinity for my great-grandmother's wing back chair....Every night at 7:00pm after his walk, he surveys the house and then proceeds to sneakily snuggle down for the night in the ancient piece of furniture history until it's time for a final pit stop and his kennel for the night around 11:45. We give him a pass. He has yet to do ANYTHING bad, or destructive. He hasn't even looked at the sofa. He won't walk out or in the door unless I say so. So if he wants to sleep in the chair every night, he can most certainly do so :-)